A Coalition that is Transforming Our City.
The body of Christ working together in
unity to serve the greatest needs.
Did you know that 1 in 6 Knoxville residents live at or below the poverty line? Currently, 26% of our neighbors are living in poverty compared to 12% nationally.
The Knoxville area has almost 700 churches that have the resources and capacity to make a monumental difference in the lives of vulnerable citizens of our community.
Compassion Coalition is a member based organization that exists to help the collective church respond to the needs that often go unmet in our city. We call these “gap needs”.
We help Knoxville churches by informing them of needs in Knoxville; equipping them through training; connecting them to areas of need and empowering them to serve in our community.
Mobilizing the church and organizations to serve the city.
We teach you about local problems and needs through specific trainings, publications and events.
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We have a wealth of resources and trainings to offer that will equip you to effectively respond in very practical ways to the needs in our community.
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As we work together, we are responding to Knoxville’s greatest social needs connecting you to these needs in ways that will bring empowering city transformation.
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September 17th from 12 to 1pm – Compassion Coalition Annual Fundraising Luncheon at Cokesbury Center’s Epworth Hall – (9915 Kingston Pike). To register or for more information contact charmin@compassioncoalition.org.
October 15th from 12 to 1pm – Frontline: Creating Space at Fountain City Presbyterian Church – (500 Hotel Rd) – Cost for Members: Free, Non Members $15 – To register or for more information contact training@compassioncoalition.org.
October 30th through November 1st from 9am to 12:30pm – Bridges Out of Poverty at The Regas Building – (318 N. Gay St.) – Cost for Members $50.00, Non Members $150 – To register or for more information contact training@compassioncoalition.org.
November 14th from 2pm to 4pm – Frontline: Responding to Requests for Assistance at Central Baptist Fountain City – (5364 N Broadway St.) – Cost for Members: Free, Non Members $50 – To register or for more information contact training@compassioncoalition.org.
Meet Traci
Traci, her husband and 3 children were used to making it month to month. But if you are a low wage earner, it may only take one crisis to destabilize your whole life. Traci was pregnant, with only a number of days before her due date when that crisis came. The home they were renting was sold out from under them and they were told that they would have to move.